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What types of DataBases are there?
Over the years there have been many advances in DataBase technologies.

Some of these include:

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A Flat-File DataBase is usually used to organize small amounts of data that can be edited by hand or that can be easily read. Flat-File DataBases are good for simple structures such as lists or a few control parameters. An issue to keep in mind is that a Flat-File DataBase structure can easily be over whelmed when trying to form complex data structures, then its time to migrate to a relational DataBase structure.

A Hierarchical DataBase is usually used to organize small-medium amounts of data that can be structured in a top-down structure. This type of structure is good for limited types of applications. Under normal circumstances, there will need to be a Hierarchical DataBase Manager installed and maintained. For the amount of effort, installing a Relational DataBase Manager is about the same amount of effort but supplies one with a much more robust flexible DataBase solution.

A Network DataBase is usually used to emulate a fixed well structured DataBase design. When the need comes to change the Network structure, there are a series of Data Administration tasks that will need to take place. This takes time and personnel resources. As with the Hierarchical DataBase, installing a Relational DataBase Manager is about the same amount of effort but supplies one with a much more robust flexible DataBase solution.

A Relational DataBase is used for most DataBase structures these days. The use of a Relational DataBase can speed up data retrieval over the Flat-File, Hierarchical and/or Network database structures, when designed properly. Proper design and implementation is critical to having a successful robust flexible DataBase implementation. A good DataBase design, will allow for good AdHoc reporting of information whereas A poorly designed Relational DataBase can lead to slow response time, invalid information being reported along with a multitude of other programming and reporting issues.

The two major DataBase types that are prevalent in today's environments are:

  • Flat-File
  • Relational
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