S-n-E Consulting's preferred method of development is to work as a guide to extract the pertinent information in order for you to build the necessary stepping stones to develop a sound, robust web site.
Web sites, as all computer technologies, have a life cycle they progress through in order to become a fully mature contributing business entity. Understanding and leveraging this life cycle is an important piece of the successful implementation of a mature web presence.
First impressions are just as important on the world stage as they are in personal interactions. The stability, availability and quality of the information posted on your web site are critical for return visitors. If a web site is not user-friendly and if the information is not reliable, visitors will go someplace else to get the information/products they want. Normally, a web site gets one chance to entice a visitor to consider it a place they want to bookmark and come back to. Sometimes a visitor will give a web site a second chance, but rarely a third chance.
There are a lot of web technologies that are available to use to generate web information. The correct solution for each business is unique to the business type and what type of functionality is required to meet the web site's goals. Taking time to lay out a workable business plan up front only enhances the probability of a successful implementation meeting stated goals.
As your web presence grows and matures, there will be added functionality your web site will most likely use. Depending on your technical skill levels, available time and many other business attributes, there may be some web services you would like to add for functionality. We offer an ever expanding range of web services, some of the basic web services we offer are:
- Web Site - Design
- Web Site - Implementation
- Web Site - Evaluation
- Class/Show Registration
- Coupon Generation
- Customer eMailings
- Guest Books
- Polls/Surveys
- Specialized Forms
- Education - Intro to Web Sites
- Other Web Services available
For more information about our web services, please go to the Web Services More Details page.
Contact us and let's discuss your current and future Web Services.